Optimize app power and performance for spatial computing

Optimize app power and performance for spatial computing

The next step Apple suggest is to learn about the tools, learn to use optimize your application.

“Learn how you can create powerful apps and games for visionOS by optimizing for performance and efficiency. We’ll cover the unique power characteristics of the platform, explore building a performance plan, and share some of the tools and strategies to test and optimize your apps.” -Apple

Explore performance with spatial computing

  • Continuously updating content
    • Renders every frame at all times
    • Computes spatial algorithms continuously
    • Run multiple apps at the same time
      • Responsiveness
      • Immersion
      • Comfort
  • Measure performance metrics - For more details see Ultimate application performance survival guide
    • Power
      • Thermal Pressure
    • Hangs
      • Main Thread is stalled
    • Rendering
      • Essential for static content as well as active
    • Launch Time
    • Disk Writes
    • Memory
    • Terminations

Profile your app

  • Development and testing
    • XCTest Performance tests
    • Xcode Gauges
    • Instruments
    • Profile many scenarios
      • Profile on device
      • Use different user input methods
      • Play audio and video
      • Use FaceTime
      • Check sustained performance
      • Run multiple apps
  • Beta and Public release
    • MetricKit
      • Energy dionostics
  • Public Release
    • Xcode Organizer

Optimize your app

Explore render performance

  • Render pipeline

  • App needs the to recieve frame from rendering deadline, otherwise lag

Optimize SwiftUI and UIKit content for render performance

  • Rendering static UI costs
    • System renders static UI content
    • Translucency and overlap generate overdraw
  • Optimize static UI rendering
    • Minimize translucency and overlap with Z offset
    • Lower the default window sizes
  • Redrawing UI costs
  • Optimize UI redraws
    • Reduce offscreen render passes
      • Shadow, Blur, Masking reduced
    • Eliminate unnecessary UI view updates
      • Use @Observable with SwiftUI View
        • Provides more granular UI change tracking and reduce unneeded Updates

Optimize RealityKit content for render performance

  • Optimize 3D scene
  • Optimize mesh rendering
  • Optimize Render updates
    • Your app sends updates to render server
      • Common causes of expensive updates
        • Frequent entity creation and destruction
        • Complex animation
        • Frequent SwiftUI redraws
        • Loading too many assets
    • Optimize entity render updates
      • Create entities in advance and show them as needed
      • Flatten entity hierarchies
      • Minimize updates from code-based animations
      • Avoid excessive SwiftUI redraws from RealityKit entity updates
  • Optimize RealityKit asset loading
    • Use asynchronous-loading APIs
    • Load assets in advance
    • Reuse assets between entities
    • Export with Reality Composer Pro
    • Reduce asset size
  • Optimize fully immersive content
    • Reduce GPU work per pixel
    • Optimize for GPU power use
    • Use unlit “custom” materials in Reality Composer Pro

Optimize Metal apps for render performance

Learn about user input performance

  • Input Response Times
    • Eyes, Hands, Voice, Hardward
      • These are processed on the main thread
    • Input response time depends on display refresh rate
    • At 90 Hz, aim to keep updates below 8ms
  • Optimize interactive content
    • Use static colliders over dynamic colliders for RealityKit content
    • Minimize overlapping interactive content to reduce hit testing

Optimize ARKit usage

  • Always-on ARKit algorithms to anchor items
  • Optimize for anchoring work
    • Anchors contribute to computational needs
    • Consider if anchors need to be tracked continuously
      • Use TrackingMode.once on AnchorComponents
      • Minimize persised and transient anchor counts
  • Optimize ARKit data use
    • Query latest ARKit Data
    • Pose Prediction queries are not free
    • Toggle collision data generation for scene understanding meshes

Explore audio and video playback performance

  • Spatial Audio
    • Spatial Audio is used by default
    • Requires real-time computation work
  • Optimize Spatial Audio
    • Concurrent playback
    • Moving sources
    • Sound stage size
  • Video playback
    • Each video frame needs to be decoded and rendered
  • Optimize video
    • Minimize UI and 3D render updates
    • Use different video frame rates
    • Reduce concurrent playback
  • Video presentation methods

Bring great performance to SharePlay experiences

  • Sustain great performance over time
  • Optimize for long-running experiences
    • Start with great sustained performance offline
    • Profile rendering and input on both sides
    • Profile for power consumption
    • Turn off unneeded features during SharePlay

Avoid terminations from thermal and memory pressure

Notes mentioning this note

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