SwiftUI CGAffineTransform

Main Idea

The first is CGAffineTransform, which describes how a path or view should be rotated, scaled, or sheared; and the second is even-odd fills, which allow us to control how overlapping shapes should be rendered. CGAffineTransform can be used to store rotation and translation data.


struct Flower: Shape {
    var petalOffset = -20.0
    var petalWidth = 100.0
    func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
        var path = Path()
        for number in stride(from:0, to: Double.pi * 2, by: Double.pi / 8) {
            let rotation = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: number)
            let position = rotation.concatenating(CGAffineTransform(translationX: rect.width / 2, y: rect.height / 2))
            let originalPetal = Path(ellipseIn:  CGRect(x: petalOffset, y: 0, width: petalWidth, height: rect.width / 2))
            let rotatedPetal = originalPetal.applying(position)
        return path

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var petalOffset = -20.0
    @State private var petalWidth = 100.0
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Flower(petalOffset: petalOffset, petalWidth: petalWidth)
                .fill(.red, style: FillStyle(eoFill: true))
            Slider(value: $petalOffset, in: -40...40)
                .padding([.horizontal, .bottom])
            Slider(value: $petalWidth, in: 0...100)

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