Design spatial SharePlay experiences

Design spatial SharePlay experiences

This video provides several key tips on designing spatial shareplay experiences.

“Explore the types of shared activities you can create in your visionOS apps and find out how your apps can use Spatial Persona templates to support meaningful interactions between people. Discover how to design your UI around a shared context, handle immersive content in a shared activity, and more.” -Apple

Set the scene

  • Type of experience you are trying to recreate
    • Media vs Collaboration vs Games
    • One window and one immersive shared space
      • Window
        • TV, whiteboard, table
      • Full Space
        • A room, game, media experience

Start SharePlay

  • Share any window without any window
  • Reduce account needed for shared activity

Arrange participants

  • Spatial Persona Templates
    • situates where people will be placed
    • side-by-side for window
    • circle surround around the volume
    • circle with window for conversational
    • design around multiple participants 2 - 5

Shared context and UI

  • share the size, orientation, and space
  • app manage feedback, synchronize model with all people
  • simulate a sense of presents while being apart.
    • UI on what changed by whom
    • but lean on in-person communication
  • Allow for customize sounds and caption while same video
  • Main viewport same, but personalize items are customized

Enter a Full Space

  • One ideal viewing position
    • everyone goes into their own room, but same context video
  • Give option to people who needs to go back and forth from Full Space


  • Design how your activity beings
  • Share as much context as possible
  • Personalize control for comfort
  • In-person cues can replace UI
  • Know when to diverge from shared context

Notes mentioning this note

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